Ein weiterer Donnerstag unter einer drohenden FPÖ-ÖVP Regierung
StreetNoise Orchestra was featured on the Street Brass Podcast by Phil Andrews in an episode showcasing many street bands from Europe. Many of our fabulous friends (Titubanda, Ottoni a Scoppio, FiAti SpReCaTI, FONC, and Masala Brass Kollektiv), were featured as well. Many others were not, but they are not forgotten.
A big shout out to Phil for putting together this little exhibition in podcast form. We hope other street bands and street band fans from North American and around the world enjoy this little sound-window into the enchanting expanse of European street bands.
The podcast episode, along with finally reading the great book Honk!: A Street Band Renaissance of Music and Activism, has spurred me to share in English for our North American brothers and sisters these thoughts on the 21st century street band movement in Europe (as seen from the perspective of this Austrian based band).
Europe has a long history of amateur musicians picking up their loud, very loud, horns and drums to join the struggle against social injustices, and to bring life and color into the streets. While the 90's and 00's saw a stagnation in the European Street Band movement overall, it is now enjoying a sweeping resurgence. In this polarized age where everything has become political, the European Street Bands of the 21st century are not tools of partisan expression but have emerged as a pan-european social movement in their own right.
Street music culture is a creative and innovative art in which the city is reinterpreted as public space. Here in Innsbruck, Austria where the city is symbolically and structurally divided between tourist space and local haunts, we are trying to set into motion new interpretations of the urban space. We reject the urbanization of the 20th century that prioritizes economic development and profit seeking over the vibrancy of human life. Our musical performances encourage communication between interested fellow citizens, creative artists, tourists and the various people responsible for the city administration.
This movement celebrates regional identity while transcending borders and cultural boundaries. At annual festivals hosted by bands across Europe we share classic and original musical pieces. We explore challenges of maintaining a leaderless democratic organization, while upholding the principles of openness and inclusiveness. We exchange ideas on how to engage in socio-political, civil society and cultural concerns.
Several such festivals are:
For those interested in the topic of 20th century European Street Bands, be sure to check out the book Honk!: A Street Band Renaissance of Music and Activism, which contains a fantastic essay by Gregg Moore: Jericho’s Harvest: A Short History of Brass Bands as a Voice for Political Opposition in Europe.
Ein weiterer Donnerstag unter einer drohenden FPÖ-ÖVP Regierung
Durch die geplante Gesetzesnovelle könnte die Musik auf den Straßen Tirols verstummen.
Am ersten Wochenende im Januar haben wir uns auf der Sattelbergalm versammelt um zu proben, zu diskutieren und eine schöne Zeit miteinander zu haben.
Das StreetNoise Orchestra hat den neuen Song "Links vom Inn" eingespielt
Der Verein Junge Talstation hat zu einer Versammlung aufgerufen. Die Talstation als selbstverwaltetes Kulturzentrum soll bleiben.
ein Tag, vier große Themen, unzählige Meinungen, Ideen, Wünsche und Träume
Ein Faschingsumzug ganz anderer Art fand am 11.11.2024 in Innsbruck statt.
Das StreetNoise Orchestra gestaltete im Geflüchtetenheim in der Trientlgasse einen Musikworkshop mit Kindern und Jugendlichen.
Wie jedes Jahr im Herbst finden wir uns zum wohl förmlichsten Anlass der Band ein.
Seit 10 Jahren spielen wir jetzt schon draußen auf der Straße. Gemeinsam mit unseren Freunden, ehemaligen Mitspielerinnen und zufälligen Stadtbenützern feierten wir unser Jubiläum.
#Streetnoise #Jubiläum #10Jahre #Feier #Innsbruck #Musik #Community #Solidarität #BringAndShare #Waltherpark #StadtteiltreffReichenau #Freunde #Tanzen #Spaß
Unter dem Titel "Fight repression" fand am Freitag, 04.10.2024 eine Kundgebung in Innsbruck statt.
Gleich zwei Mal hatten wir die Ehre das warm eingepackte, aber selig wirkende Gans Anders Publikum zu bespielen
Kidical Mass - Ein Traum
Wow – Was für ein Erlebnis. 21 SNOises gemeinsam unterwegs für fünf Tage. In Brüssel, mit aufregendem und tollem Programm. Gemeinsam mit Rädern durch die …
Das Zentrum für Jugendarbeit veranstaltet wieder ein Straßenfest, und wir dürfen dabei sein – Cool!
On the climate day of the Reithmanngymnasium, the band presented its activities, discussed social and political topics and presented a joint singing of Bella Ciao, …
Ein Sommerfest und Abschluss des Internationalen Research Camps an einem besonderen Ort Innsbrucks.
It was once again a highlight, the Zommkemma Festival in Buch near Jenbach.
Das StreetNoise Orchestra bekam Besuch vom ORF beim Stadtspielen.
Mit dem Fahrrad über die Autobahn fahren?!? Das war möglich bei bei der Autobahndemo von Fridays for future und wir waren mit dabei.
Erstmalig finden sich eine Vielzahl der im Klimaschutz aktiven Zusammenschlüsse ein, um eine gemeinsame Kundgebung für mehr Klimagerechtigkeit abzuhalten.
Am Samstag, 25.05.2024, haben wir zum vierten Mal eine Demo unter dem Motto „Demokratie verteidigen“ begleitet - diesmal in Hall in Tirol . Mit Reden, …
The StreetNoise Orchestra brings color and energy to the city on a spring day.
Lautstark hat das StreetNoise Orchestra die Kidical Mass in Innsbruck unterstützt!
An gleich drei Abenden durfte das StreetNoise Orchestra beim Journalismusfest dabei sein!
Municipal and mayoral elections in Innsbruck. The StreetNoise Orchestra at the election party in the Treibhaus
On the first weekend of April 2024, numerous climate protection organizations in Tyrol gathered for a peaceful 48-hour demonstration. We were also allowed to be …
Celebrating 10 years, StreetNoise Orchestra plays at 7 am for early risers, marking a decade of "sau früh" gigs with joy and solidarity.
On March 8th we raised our voices in Mittenwald! 🎶✊ For women's rights and equality.
Let's consider democracy as a way of life. Take to the streets. For a good life for all.
Am Samstag haben wir etwas Aufregendes gemacht. Aktivist*innen der Letzten Generation blockieren die Brenner Autobahn, um für effektiven und raschen Klimaschutz einzustehen.
For the second time, we have taken to the streets along with many other citizens to demonstrate for a strong and diverse democracy.
Loud for the climate 🌍: The StreetNoise Orchestra campaigned for climate justice yesterday with outraged citizens and the last generation. We have to be loud!
„Viele tausend Menschen kommen an Grenzen wissen nicht wohin, wolang, woher sie kommen macht das Leben überhaupt keinen Sinn mehr. Grenzen töten! Grenzen töten! Grenzen …
On Friday, January 26, 2024, the protest "Tyrol for Democracy and Diversity" took place at the Landhausplatz.
On January 19, 2024, the Dinnerclub moved from their old quarters to the new premises of the Integrationshaus.
As every year, the StreetNoise Orchestra retreated for a joint cabin weekend in the first week of January in 2024.
Strafiato 2023 was a huge success. Thanks and photos.
A parade of artists and cultural workers for climate justice with 9 international activist street bands
StreetNoise Orchestra, an activist street-band based in Innsbruck, celebrated its 10-year anniversary in March 2023.
The StreetNoise Orchestra marched in solidarity with the last generation in Innsbruck from near the train station over the Olympic Bridge in a "slow march". …
In order to successfully implement the Strafiato Festival despite lower official funding, we depend on your direct financial support. Let's experience the magic of Strafiato …
🎺 Street brass concert at the occupied intersection! In solidarity with the Last Generation and Luetzi Lives, we played on 13.01.2023 on the last day …
In Innsbruck, on Saturday November 12, 2022, around 50 activists demonstrated in front of a closed hotel in the Pradl district against too much empty …
Art in public space was always very important to Werner Richter. That's why, right after we were on the road a few times in our …
Gig alert! On Saturday, September 17th, 2022, starting at 10:30 AM, Street Noise Orchestra will be playing again at Adolf Pichler Platz for Kidical Mass …
Music for a fairer world: We raise money for the Tyrol Women's shelter and raise awareness of gender-based violence.
Europe has a long history of amateur musicians picking up their loud, very loud, horns and drums to join the struggle against social injustices, and …
On February 1, 2020, we were thrilled to play at the wedding of our sousaphone player Markus and his new partner Julia, in Hall in …
Who is the StreetNoise Orchestra? What do they do, and why? What kind of music do they play? Do they improvise or do they have …
How do trumpets, trombones and drums sound when the brass band music returns from the valleys to the city? Can leaderless anarchisticly organized music groove?